Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lifestyle Movement

     Every generation is caught in a lifestyle movement.  Things change drastically over 15 years.  The parents are no longer hip to the young crowd, although these days parents aren't much older then their children.  Not so much different than if we look back just to the early 1900's.  I have found that most women in 1905 had their children at the ripe old age of their late teens and early 20's.  The women in those day's also had as many children as they could bear.  It was a more innocent age when the man provided for the family and the women had the hard tasks of keeping the home together.  It must have been difficult to feed 5 to 8 kids plus yourself and your husband and anyone else that came by passing through.  It was a different time then with different morals and values.  The smaller things in life are what really mattered.  Owning a piece of land for a homestead for the family.  These where the things that where affordable and business was done with honor.  It wasn't until the 1940's when big business came in and immediately after that big government came in and got their hands in with businesses.  Ever since then morals and values have been altered and all together changed.

With the business boom that happened from 1930-1970.  There was a movement of money.  People had money in their pockets, a great family, a home, a fenced in front yard, and a job that paid well.  Even if they liked it or not, it did provide for an affordable mortgage and also put food on the table without having to worry so much.  The 40's, 50's, and 60's where a golden era in time when the values of our American leaders ran in a high regard.

     These images are not from a time so long ago.  These are just from
the 1950's.  Just looking at them brings up feelings of purity from a
decent and pure time.  When television was clean and commercials
didn't advertise the indecent things that are seen on television today.
You can cut on prime time television any time of the day and see ads
that pushing sex, drugs, and alcohol.  24 hours a day these commercials
are streamed all over the world.  Children are forced to learn of things
that they shouldn't have to know about until they are teens.  The
unfortunate part of that is, we can never get that back.  All we can do
is censor the things our children watch.  That is the problem though.  Why should adults even be subjected to the filth and garbage that is spewed out at us.  In the 60's and 70's a 1 hour show was exactly that.  There was no 25 commercials every 8 minutes.  Which if you do the math we watch more commercials than actual show.  That is where our lifestyle changes have brought us.  Religion has been all but removed from the schools and the government.  Religion and honor is what these things where built on.  Now our schools teach you how to get over on someone else.  What are we setting our future generations up for if we have pushed the envelope this far in this short of a time.  In 20 years will porn on Prime time television be acceptable.  Where will this end.  I think it ends with each individual parent.  I think if we allow our children to be subjected to these principals or lack there of, then it is our own fault for what we will have allowed to happen.
     It is not that hard to set parental controls.  With all of this great technology comes an even greater power.  We have the technology to set time locks now, and block all kinds of things.  Of course kids will be kids and find ways around it.  That is what they do.  It is our jobs to check up on them.  These days you can check the memory of the television to see what has been watched that day.  All it takes is the time to be responsible with the technology that we are placing in front of our children.  If we provide it we must be responsible for it.
     Can you believe there was a time when music bands played real instruments and used their natural voices to produce music.  They worked hard at their craft and learned their instruments.  They didn't just sample things together and use auto-tune for their vocals.  They really played and sang to their audiences.  They where true artists.  In fact the beats that are being sampled where laid down by a real musician who will probably never make it because the people today want to here what someone has dubbed together and called their own.  It is fairly horrible what has happened to the entertainment industry.  As we can see every time we turn on the news.  It is always some teenager or even now some actors who have been around for a while making absolute fools out of themselves.  It is like Hollywood is playing one large game of
swaparoo.  Everyone marries everyone and drugs and alcohol use in public are almost coming to be accepted as the normal thing to do.  These are the people that our future leaders are watching and following.  
     All of these problems stem back to the government.  They are the ones who censor what we are allowed to see.  It seems as though they are censoring the things they don't want us to see, such as the real news that happens everyday.  Prime time news now covers the latest of what the newest reality stars are doing.  They are not telling us where all of our money has gone or is going.  They can't even get the weather right 90% of the time.  That is the weather forecasts that are released from a government controlled weather media station.  All we need our government to censor is the reality junk.  That is a dumbing down of our culture.  We are force fed stuff that has nothing to do with the world and even what roll we are playing in it.  I remember my grandfather telling me how the government used to report what was really happening and men discussed real world events at lunch.  So where does that leave us?  Just tell the government no.  You will not let them dumb our nation down.  Tell them that we want to know where we stand in the world matched up against other countries.  Ask them why no one can get financed for a house now.  After that realize that we are the ones who give them the power, and we are the ones who can demand results.  We can change the line up.  There are 500 people that make up the congress and senate.  There are millions of people represented by that little number of people.  You decide where the change go's from here. Thank you for reading.

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