Friday, August 12, 2011

Serving Horrible Kids

I have realized that kids are not raised the same way people over 25 years old where raised.  I had the rudest 8 year old girl at my table yesterday.  She had the worst attitude and no respect for any adults.  You can tell she was raised to think that she is better than other people.  It is not even like they had money or anything like that.  They just really think that they are better than people who serve them and are teaching their kid the same things.  It is one thing to be an 8 year old kid who has been raised poorly.  That I often overlook.  They are children.  This is directed at parents who know that their kids are rude little shits and they let them get away with it.  To those parents let me tell you a secret.  Do you wonder why your food might not look right? It is b/c you do not mess with the people who serve your food.  You do not raise your kids to be rude to us either.  We want take it out on the kids.  They will be getting theirs in a few years anyway.  The facts are NO MATTER HOW MUCH BETTER YOU THINK YOU ARE WE AS SERVERS ALWAYS GET THE LAST LAUGH WHEN PREVOKED.   Have a great day.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cheap Tippers

We have all had them.  Cheap tippers or people who leave no tip no matter how great the food and service is.  Let's face it they are out there.  You will get them more than not.  Keep in mind the general public is not aware that a server only makes $2 an hour.  Also keep in mind that some people come out to eat even if they can't afford it.  That leaves no room for a tip for you.  In fact they even try to get stuff taken off the bill.  These people usually do not care about themselves let alone anyone else.  So they do not care that it costs you generally $1.50 just for them to sit in your section.  We call that tip share.  It is based on a percentage of your sales.  Not a percentage of your tips. 

I would like to take this time now to thank all of those people who came and said I was the best server they have ever had and left no tip.  Verbal tips really pay my bills.  Actually thank you for costing me money for you to come out to eat. 
Now with that out of the way although it is very frustrating keep your head up and don't let it affect your other tables.  Shake it off.  There are a lot of people out there who do know how to tip and often times will make up for the cheap idiots that really can't afford to come out to eat.  And that is the bottom line.  If you can't afford to go out to eat and tip accordingly then go to Mcdonalds. No tip required.
You can also usually find those same people out later after you get off work if you do at that point you are no longer at work and can respond to them any way you wish.  Often times I have called people out on their lack of tipping as specially if they are out later drinking and blowing money.  :I will usually let the person serving them know and you can actually watch the level of service go down.  So don't mess with the people who serve your food. 

The best way to handle this surge of emotion is to slug a little water take a deep breath and forget about it.  It happened, it happens, it will happen again.  Welcome to THUNDERDOME!!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Great Restaurant Opening

A great restaurant opening is the key to setting the restaurant up for success.  If a restaurant is opened poorly you can count on the rest of the shift going horrible.  You will not have everything that you need and will be rushed to get the things that are needed, further making the guest wait and getting yourself in the weeds. Not to mention the other pissed off servers who where not scheduled to open.  The key to a great open is showing up early or at least on time and getting busy.  So get that crushed ice and those sauces.  Fire up the music, make a lot of tea and get ready for a great day.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Best Way To Handle Being Double and Triple Sat

It is always a problem in the serving industry.  Getting double and triple sat.  What to do? How to handle the situation?  Lets start with what not to handle the situation.  It is not wise to fill each orders drink orders for each table individually.  Take the whole section as a party.  Limit your steps.  You will find that you are not so rushed.  Your guest will feel more relaxed as well.  After all in serving you want the guests to be as comfortable as possible.  That is when you maximize your tips.  Always remain calm.

When Servers Melt Down

What to do if you are weeded.  First take a deep breath.  Clear your head and handle priorities.  Don't be afraid to ask for help.  Someone will help you.  Regain control of the situation and remember it will be over soon.  The table will be over and a new turn of tables will be coming through the door.  A chance to start over and maintain control over all situations.  Take three tables as one big party.  Get them talking to each other and that will buy you time to catch back up if you are behind.  Minimize steps maximize time.

The Basics of Serving

 I have been in the serving industry for 15 years.  One thing I learned today is B/S cures all.  If you remain confident and calm you can smooth any situation out in a restaurant.  Let's say you forget to ring in an entree in an order.  You simply overlooked it.  The food hits the table and "How you doing" there is a missing plate.  You go to the micro/aloha certain this is not your mistake only to find out that it is.  You ring in what they ordered (ON THE FLY) and go back to the table and say I am very sorry sir our fryer went down and they are having to recook your order.  It should be out in about 5 to 7 minutes.  He smiles and says that's alright and you have gotten out of a jam once again.  I love my job!!!!!