Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cheap Tippers

We have all had them.  Cheap tippers or people who leave no tip no matter how great the food and service is.  Let's face it they are out there.  You will get them more than not.  Keep in mind the general public is not aware that a server only makes $2 an hour.  Also keep in mind that some people come out to eat even if they can't afford it.  That leaves no room for a tip for you.  In fact they even try to get stuff taken off the bill.  These people usually do not care about themselves let alone anyone else.  So they do not care that it costs you generally $1.50 just for them to sit in your section.  We call that tip share.  It is based on a percentage of your sales.  Not a percentage of your tips. 

I would like to take this time now to thank all of those people who came and said I was the best server they have ever had and left no tip.  Verbal tips really pay my bills.  Actually thank you for costing me money for you to come out to eat. 
Now with that out of the way although it is very frustrating keep your head up and don't let it affect your other tables.  Shake it off.  There are a lot of people out there who do know how to tip and often times will make up for the cheap idiots that really can't afford to come out to eat.  And that is the bottom line.  If you can't afford to go out to eat and tip accordingly then go to Mcdonalds. No tip required.
You can also usually find those same people out later after you get off work if you do at that point you are no longer at work and can respond to them any way you wish.  Often times I have called people out on their lack of tipping as specially if they are out later drinking and blowing money.  :I will usually let the person serving them know and you can actually watch the level of service go down.  So don't mess with the people who serve your food. 

The best way to handle this surge of emotion is to slug a little water take a deep breath and forget about it.  It happened, it happens, it will happen again.  Welcome to THUNDERDOME!!!!

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