Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Iraqi Dinar News

     It seems to be that Iraq is well on it's way to being completely taken out of chapter 7 sanctions.  See in this article below.
28/09/2011 28/09/2011

Zebari sought to gather support for the grant Palestine full membership in United Nations
بغداد – الصباح BAGHDAD - morning

Agreed Baghdad and Washington to proceed with the completion of steps to remove Iraq from Chapter VII, while seeking Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari to gather international support to grant Palestine full membership in the UN. The research and Minister of Foreign Affairs with Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman, the remaining steps to bring out the Iraq of the provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. . The Foreign Ministry statement received "morning," a copy of, "Zebari met with Feltman on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and discussed promotion of bilateral relations, in addition to the events taking place in the Arab region in light of the changes and political developments and calls for reform demanded by the peoples of the Arab Region" . The two sides stressed the need to complete the remaining steps to enable Iraq to get out of the final provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
In the meantime, Zebari discuss with his Syrian and Turkish support for the Palestinian demand for a full membership of the United Nations.
According to another statement of Foreign Affairs, met with Zebari, the foreign ministers of Turkey and Syria, Walid Moallem, Ahmet Davutoglu, on the sidelines of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York. "
The statement added that Zebari discussed with the teacher the importance of coordinating work within the Arab group to follow up the Palestinian demand, as discussed with Ihsanoglu anything to offer Turkey to support the Palestinian demand. And on the mutual relations between Turkey and Iraq, Zebari, Ihsanoglu stressed the importance of development for the mutual benefit of both peoples, particularly in the field of water management and fair to benefit the three countries Turkey, Syria, Iraq, from the Tigris and Euphrates.
The two sides also discussed developments and political changes taking place in the Arab region, and the importance of responding to the aspirations of their people towards freedom and democracy.
On the sidelines of the meetings of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations also discussed and foreign minister with his Azerbaijani and Bulgarian, Brazilian, relations and ways of strengthening the joint.
During his meeting with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolai Mladenov, Zebari discuss bilateral relations and ways of developing them in the light of the Bulgarian government's decision to reopen its embassy in Baghdad, as well as the intensification of contacts and visits between the two countries. ا. For his part, Mladenov for his country's readiness to help Iraq in the areas of cooperation with the European Union, on the basis of relations of cooperation and traditional friendship between the two countries and expressed his desire to visit Baghdad soon.
In the context Zebari discussed with his Azerbaijani Elmer Mammadyarov, bilateral relations and arrangements necessary to intensify communication and cooperation between the two countries, as that serves the common interests of both.
The third in a statement the Foreign Ministry that "the two sides agreed to coordinate in a multilateral framework and in order to provide mutual support in international organizations, where Zebari expressed his appreciation to the Azerbaijani government's decision to open an embassy in Baghdad."
Zebari also discussed with his Brazilian counterpart, Antonio Patriota, the cooperation relations between the two countries and the need to develop to serve the common interest of both countries and peoples.
Zebari said during the meeting: "The Brazilian government's decision to open an embassy in Baghdad in the near future, will have a positive effect in expanding horizons of cooperation between the two countries."
The two sides discussed Arab relations - Latin American in the light of Forum of political, economic, organized by the parties, and its importance in bringing the views and enhance Arab cooperation - Latin American, as well as examining the tendency to Palestine to the United Nations, as Foreign Minister promised to Brazil to pursue his subject as a non-permanent member in the Security Council of what is known about the support and support for the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people.
For his part, Zebari promised to meet the call made ​​to him by his Brazilian counterpart to visit Brazil at the earliest possible opportunity.

     As you can see movement is being made in leaps and bounds at this point.  Yes Miliki is still doing what he does best, Nothing.  So I should expect to see some kind of governmental movement to strike Miliki if he doesn't start playing ball with everyone else.  This is great news though and here is another article that further states what is going on.
     I have also read today that Vice Pres. Biden is in Iraq right now discussing the further withdrawal of the U.S. troops.  He is also over there to get things done with the government.  He is going to set Miliki and his cronies straight and get this ball rolling faster. 
Biden in Baghdad to discuss the withdrawal


U.S. congressional delegation visiting Iraq in the days of
Baghdad morning I learned »morning» from sources of high-ranking U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden thinks visit Baghdad to discuss a withdrawal. The sources, who asked not to be named: The «Biden may visit Baghdad next month to deal on the mechanics of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and keep the coaches and the issue of immunity and long-term partnership between the two countries in accordance with the strategic framework agreement ». The MP for the National Alliance, Haitham al-Jubouri announced that the U.S. forces refused to keep any of its soldiers on Iraqi territory for one day without enjoying full immunity, and with the authorization of the House of Representatives, stating in a press statement, said that the Iraqi negotiating team headed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki tried to persuade the U.S. side to keep the number of trained immunity, partial, or no immunity, through dial-up the last that took place between al-Maliki and Biden, but the latter refused this matter and strongly. According to the source, the goal of Biden's visit the President on keeping the number of American soldiers with them legal immunity appears to be «not be achieved», by the refusal so by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and most of the political blocs, except the province of Kurdistan, who warned in the words of President Massoud Barzani of the withdrawal is final. In the meantime, a delegation of U.S. congressional visit to Baghdad in the next few days. The aim of the delegation's visit, for according to sources, to discuss the developments in the political process in Iraq, especially that the country is at the forefront of countries in the region which is endowed by the winds of democracy after the fall of the dictatorial regime. The source, who asked not to be named: The «delegation's visit will provide U.S. officials to visit the high-level».U.S. congressional delegation visiting Iraq in the days of
Baghdad morning I learned »morning» from sources of high-ranking U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden thinks visit Baghdad to discuss a withdrawal. The sources, who asked not to be named: The «Biden may visit Baghdad next month to deal on the mechanics of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and keep the coaches and the issue of immunity and long-term partnership between the two countries in accordance with the strategic framework agreement ». The MP for the National Alliance, Haitham al-Jubouri announced that the U.S. forces refused to keep any of its soldiers on Iraqi territory for one day without enjoying full immunity, and with the authorization of the House of Representatives, stating in a press statement, said that the Iraqi negotiating team headed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki tried to persuade the U.S. side to keep the number of trained immunity, partial, or no immunity, through dial-up the last that took place between al-Maliki and Biden, but the latter refused this matter and strongly. According to the source, the goal of Biden's visit the President on keeping the number of American soldiers with them legal immunity appears to be «not be achieved», by the refusal so by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and most of the political blocs, except the province of Kurdistan, who warned in the words of President Massoud Barzani of the withdrawal is final. In the meantime, a delegation of U.S. congressional visit to Baghdad in the next few days. The aim of the delegation's visit, for according to sources, to discuss the developments in the political process in Iraq, especially that the country is at the forefront of countries in the region which is endowed by the winds of democracy after the fall of the dictatorial regime. The source, who asked not to be named: The «delegation's visit will provide U.S. officials to visit the high-level».U.S. congressional delegation visiting Iraq in the days of
Baghdad morning I learned »morning» from sources of high-ranking U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden thinks visit Baghdad to discuss a withdrawal. The sources, who asked not to be named: The «Biden may visit Baghdad next month to deal on the mechanics of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and keep the coaches and the issue of immunity and long-term partnership between the two countries in accordance with the strategic framework agreement ». The MP for the National Alliance, Haitham al-Jubouri announced that the U.S. forces refused to keep any of its soldiers on Iraqi territory for one day without enjoying full immunity, and with the authorization of the House of Representatives, stating in a press statement, said that the Iraqi negotiating team headed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki tried to persuade the U.S. side to keep the number of trained immunity, partial, or no immunity, through dial-up the last that took place between al-Maliki and Biden, but the latter refused this matter and strongly. According to the source, the goal of Biden's visit the President on keeping the number of American soldiers with them legal immunity appears to be «not be achieved», by the refusal so by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and most of the political blocs, except the province of Kurdistan, who warned in the words of President Massoud Barzani of the withdrawal is final. In the meantime, a delegation of U.S. congressional visit to Baghdad in the next few days. The aim of the delegation's visit, for according to sources, to discuss the developments in the political process in Iraq, especially that the country is at the forefront of countries in the region which is endowed by the winds of democracy after the fall of the dictatorial regime. The source, who asked not to be named: The «delegation's visit will provide U.S. officials to visit the high-level».
      Now we know that a certain number a U.S. military has to be drawn down in order to become a fully sovereign nation.  This will in turn support the release of chapter 7 sanctions and thus make the Iraqi Dinar gain value in the international community.  Once the Dinar is recognized internationally there is no way to stop it from gaining in value.  The only question in my mind is, are they going to R.V. or are they going to put it out and let it gain value on it's own against the other currencies that are internationally traded?  I personally believe that there will be an R.V.  If Iraq where to put their currency out at a value of 1170 then the inflation will run rampant and all will have been for nothing.  Therefore they will need to at least get equal to the U.S. Dollar.  This will curb the inflation and give the Dinar a true start to gaining value. 
     So many people are just waiting on the R.V. of the Dinar.  There will be %80 of investors cashing out, but is that really the best thing to do?  Maybe, Maybe not.  That is something each investor will have to decide for themselves.  Let's say that the Dinar comes out equal to a U.S. dollar.  That will be quite a substantial gain on investment.  However the Dinar will go up in value considerably after it is traded internationally.  Iraq has stated that it will be the richest country in the middle east.  To do that Iraq will have to raise the value of the Dinar to almost $4.00 to one U.S. Dollar.  That is the only way for Iraq to lead the Middle East in to the future.  Pretty simple right.  All it takes on the investors behalf is patience.  The Dinar will have value again.  We just do not know exactly when.
     There has been talk about Iraq raising the zero's in 2013.  That is just misdirection to curb speculation.  A quick search will show that the currency auctions held everyday are actually designed to pull in the large denominations.  These large denom's are being destroyed, thus showing us that the CBI is and has been taking steps to remove the U.S. dollar from their country and to support the Dinar as the in country currency.  So once again be patient and great things come to those who wait. 
     Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope this has provided some clarity amongst a seemingly chaotic scene in Iraq.  Remember misdirection is what is supposed to be put out to curb  speculation. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stock Investments A Thing Of The Past?

     Stocks were at one time a very sound investment.  Businesses were, for the most part, honest, and things were very transparent.  Then came the greed, and things went south.  I can't even say how fast stocks plummeted in just a 3 day period.  So many people got crushed.  Completely wiped out.  It was the worst financial week in history.  We have not even come close to rebounding.  There hasn't even been a steady growth in stocks.  In fact, part of the New York Stock house was sold out to another country.  It all seems pretty bleak, with no horizon in sight.  That is how so many see the financial future of stocks and bonds.  There are a lot of shady companies out there who are waiting to take your money and run.  That is a truth which is indisputable.  Penny Stocks seem to be the new thing.  Fast return on investment.  A much larger risk, of course.  I know I paint a pretty dark picture.  I see down the road a long way, though.  I see a lot of light at the end of this tunnel.  Stocks are at rock bottom so there is no better time to invest than right now.  They are only going to go up.  The government is restructuring to give America an adrenaline shot to the financial market.  Why do you think the government bailed out all of those big businesses?  We can't let them go down because those are the types of industries that built America.  Those are the big boys who created stocks to trade and invest in.
     What kind of stocks are safe bets to invest in?  That really depends on you and what you have to spend, versus time to invest.  You can always follow the government and invest in the car companies.  They will be seeing a lot of growth over the next 10 years.  You could also invest in phone companies.  Technology and social media are big money and will have a place in the world markets forever.  These are just a couple of suggestions.  I have personally invested in a couple of auto maker's stocks that became public, and in just six months have seen a 35% growth on my investment.  If things continue on upward through the first of the year I may be very near a 60% growth on my initial investment.  That is cold hard profits there.  So I say invest, but be very smart.  Do some research and even spend a little money for advice.  There are some really great investment programs that are starting to come on the scene, and they are showing all the old investment guys a few new tricks.  I highly recommend Stock Picks Systems.  These guys are incredible.  They really show you how and when to get into stocks that are geared for every individual's personal comfort level.  That is really where it is all going to anyway.  Back in the day, the investor didn't worry about what the trader was doing with their money.  Everyone was making money.  Now this is a more savvy world and people want to have a say about what their money is going into and being used for.  It is all about peace of mind in the long run.
Stock Market Forecasting Software is another way that the pros have found for projecting what stocks will do.  It is your money and it is up to you keep up with what your money is doing.  Even if you are paying someone to invest it for you.  You only have yourself to blame if you don't at least have some kind of knowledge of what is going on.  Another way to go about educating yourself on stock investments is to take a Premium Stock Training Course.  For the money, this is also a great place to start and come out investing like a pro.  You will be completely prepared after taking this training course.  I often revert back to it to brush up on being able to see odd balls coming.  Like all investments you want to minimize loss and maximize gain.  The only true way to do this is knowledge.  I will surely spend $100 to make $1500.
This is not some kind of ancient Greek language that only certain people speak.  This is something everyone can and should do.
A Scientific Approach To Penny Stocks
This is a good place to learn how to protect yourself in a more dangerous market.  However with great risk comes great reward.  You can make a fortune in penny stocks.  Get the right investment and it only takes one to set you up for a long time.  I personally like penny stocks.  I have spent a great deal of money studying all different types of stocks, and penny stocks have a great reward if you do your homework.  Remember, penny stocks are small companies about to go large.  Some take longer than others, some pop quite quickly.  Just study up on how it's done or you can loose quite a bit also.  I want to take this time to thank you for reading, and I hope I have helped someone in their quest for financial freedom.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Iraqi Dinar Investment

      I  have addressed the Iraqi Dinar several times.  I have been being asked what my stance on it and a few other currencies are as of right now.  Iraq has been seeing substantial growth in the past 2 month's.  So much so that it is getting hard for the big boy's to turn away.  It is almost becoming transparent as to what is going on with the government vs. the bank.  Now we are seeing the government vs. themselves again with some very serious withdrawal of confidence vote talk.  I do not believe that there will be a withdrawal of confidence from Miliki.  This is a lot of posturing for power.  The thing to be worried about is Miliki trying to gain control of the funds in the bank.  Mr. Shabibi has worked very hard to get to this point and now right at the end Miliki is throwing the wrench in the whole process.  To know what is truly going on you must look way back and know that Miliki is an Iran freak and will do anything that they want him to do.  There in lies the problem.  A different government has stepped in for the U.S. with a different vision of what this can be made into for there own benefits.  That's right the big (D"s).  That may not be so bad though.  The (Dems) are just not as aggressive with getting things done over seas.  It is just how it is.  Now Miliki has been able to really implement his Iranian influenced kinks.  So we are left with Barzani to clean up the mess.  Miliki will not budge. Of-course Miliki will promise them everything to their faces, and when they get in parliament he completely does the opposite.  This will happen until he is out of office, so lets get back to the monetary movement in Iraq.  
      The money of Iraq has to go up in value, and down in supply.  Basic needs of goods from the citizens is causing this to happen.  Forget what other countries currencies are doing.  Other economies play a different type of big role in this.  As of now just concentrate on the needs of Iraq.  They need a viable currency.  The world is calling for it so that the price of gas and other things that Iraq can supply will go down.  This will help economies in it's own right.  Furthermore the citizens are calling for it.  They want to have at least the basics.  Affordable food and water.  They want electricity.  Things are happening on a lightning fast blaze in the money market side of things in Iraq.  There are articles everyday coming out from the (CBI) that are all saying that now is the time.  What will the value be?  Isn't that the million dollar question?  All I can say is what is able to be supported.  That is by taking into account public information.  Reserves, auctions, projections, budget allocations.  When you take all of this into account you see that Iraq can support up to a 3.40 to 3.70 rate.  Will they revalue that high?  So many say yes, so many say no.  I would greatly appreciate your opinion this.  Leave a comment and answer if you think yes or no.  What rate do you think Iraq will come out with?  Will they (LOP)?
     That last one was a big one I know.  Let me tell you something now.  Shabibi will not lop.  There in no way will be a lop.  I can tell you that there are not enough large notes out there to support a lop.  There for inflation is not in the hyper flavor.  There will not be a lop.  The other countries that have invested in Iraq through the Dinar will not allow that to happen.  I personally do not know what Iraq will come out at, but I know that what ever it is, I will make a lot of money on this investment.  Even if I have to wait another 6 years for it to reach the value that I am willing to sell at.  Keep in mind this is an investment and almost all investments take time.  The progress that is taking place in Iraq at this point further supports my belief in the Iraqi Dinar and many other currencies and emerging economies that are great investments also.  We will talk about those in a few more days.
     The sanctions that where placed on Iraq are all almost completely lifted.  This is very huge as to how it ties into Iraq being a completely sovereign nation.  With those sanctions gone Iraq will be able to buy things that their military needs to defend itself.  This is exactly what Iraq has to have in order for their currency to be viable and competitive in the market.  This all promotes investment in a further emerging nation.  No one wants to invest in a country that can't defend itself.
     This is a great time for anyone looking to really get started in the Forex(Currency) Market. 
I am providing a few links that can get you started on the right foot in currency trading.  Currency trading is not as hard as everyone makes it out to be.  There are certain times of the year that I buy, and certain times of the year that I sell.  It is that simple for me.  This way I am never caught in the middle of major currency swings.  This is an investment as well.  If you know that you may have to hold something for a length of time it makes it easier to prepare for the investment.  What has happened with the Dinar is so many people are being told to hurry up and invest the dinar is going to revalue in two to three day's.  That is just not true.  It may still be another 2 months yet before we see anything happen.  However these people who know nothing about investing have been being lied to, and they keep getting told week after week that it is going to happen tomorrow.  After a month of that they are bored with it and mad.  Some people can handle investing and some can't.  It is just how it is.  Now these people will still benefit as much as I will, but will have a bad taste in their mouth for investing and what to invest in.   Investing in currency of any kind takes patience and understanding of how things work and where everyone stands in the grand scheme of things.  So to all people feeling a little inpatient about the dinar or any other investments in their life. Start spending your spare time learning to do something else.  Invest $40.00 or $50.00 in an educational training that will prepare you for the next journey in life that  you are going to make.  Only you can change your stars.  Currency is great for investing in and will provide for quite a return on your investment.  You could even get really good and make unheard of dividends.  It just takes a little training to get the edge in this field.
L.M.T Forex Formula
Forex Basics Revealed
Forex Net Worth Builder
These are some great places to start preparing for your investment future.  They will get you very acquainted with the system.    Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope that I have helped someone with understanding what is going on.  If you have any questions please feel free to drop me a line. 

Survey's Making Money Online

     Can you make money taking survey's?  Wildly enough, the answer is yes.  Now, there are a lot of survey offers out there.  The important thing to remember is, taking survey's is like being a secret shopper.  We will talk about that a little later.  I really want to get anyone thinking about surveys off on the right foot.  The majority of survey taking sites out there offer many types of prizes and some offer cash for taking a certain number of survey's.  These prizes can be turned into cash.  When you get the prize, turn around and sell it.  There are a ton of people out there that will buy these types of prizes.  Just list them on Amazon or Craigslist.  You can even list on E-Bay.  These sites will let you create a sales account for free and off you go.  Some of these prizes are flat screens, laptops, clothes, shoes, you get the point.  The important thing is to pick a path and take it.  If it does not work out, back up and try something else.  Survey's are an easy way to get started making money with the internet. 
      Survey's that pay real, hard cash are harder to come by.  Keep in mind there are a lot of people doing this and only the people who build a credible reputation with the survey companies will make a serious profit.  Some survey companies pay as much as $10.00 a survey.  As I mentioned earlier, taking survey's are a lot like being a secret shopper.  You will have to spend some money up front to get started with the company.  This is kind of their way of seeing who is serious.  If you get linked up with a reputable survey company you will quickly make your money back.  Money Making Survey's Are Back.  This is one company I have found to be reputable.  They give you step by step instruction on how to maximize your profits and succeed in their company.  It can be done and is done everyday.  Like with any internet money making dream, you have to put the time in to see a substantial amount of income, however once you get going, it is like a piece of pie to maintain and know what to do to capitalize on what you are doing.  There are even automated survey systems for the person who really wants to ramp it up.
      There are so many survey companies out there.  Most all of them charge something to get in.  These charges vary widely.  They can run as little as $5.00 to $100.00.  The costs cover the training and getting you in the system.  You can find free survey companies, but these companies are hard to get anything out of.  You will take survey after survey and will have ultimately wasted your time and effort.  Paid Surveys At home.   This is another legitimate survey site.  They charge $21.38 to get you started, but you will be in great hands.  These guy's offer 24/7 tech support.  They will really get you going in the right direction.  The thing to remember is you will have to pay to get in with a reputable company.  Some of these Survey sites offer you a commission that will continually pay out.  How sweet is that?  Take a survey and continue to get paid for it months down the road.  Reoccuring Commission Sites seem to be where the future of survey's are going. 
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This company is a little more expensive to get started, but well worth the investment.  It is $50.00 to get in with this company, but this company is one of the best paying companies out there.  They get you going super fast and you will see income in no time at all.  Your investment should pay for itself in the first day.
As you can see, there are many different options to choose from.  You just need to choose what you feel is right for you and go for it.   I sincerely hope that this has helped someone in their quest to find a way to make money online.  Survey's are popular, but most people do not spend the money to get started and try to use the free sites, and expect to make a fortune and usually end up frustrated.  You don't have to get frustrated.  Just be smart and believe in yourself.  "Only you limit yourself".
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Survey Money Portal  these are just a couple more suggestions that are reputable.