Thursday, September 22, 2011

Making Money Online Today

     How hard is it to make money online?  Please post some of your experiences.  Post successes and failures.  I have tried everything.  99% of all of it is crap.  That is no lie.  Anyone who has tried will tell you that doing this is not going to happen over night.  There are jobs you can get online if you have some type of programming or technical computer training or experience.  So you can go to a technical school, but then you have spent a ton of money and time to learn something that there are already a lot of people doing.  Not much room for breaking in and getting the good jobs.  What are we left with then?  I can answer that for you.  We the average Joe's can be creative.  We have the will and determination to succeed.  We have a computer and internet access. "For the next 2 months anyway."  What are we missing?  You must at least learn how to post links.  You can write articles like this one that you are reading right now.  Write about the things that you know about and only promote things that you believe in.  Write about the things that you have tried and failed at.  Write a lot.  I will give you a tip for free right now.  Posting links is not as hard as it sounds and is made out to be.  To post a link simply highlight what you want to make a link, have the link ready by highlighting the link, right click, select copy.  When you have the word highlighted that you want to make a link, place your courser over the highlighted word right click again and select paste.  Simple.  There are other ways to create a link also. VariousMethodsToMakeMoneyOnline .  This is a great way to get started on the right foot.  They give you step by step techniques to make money online.  All of these methods are very easy and cheap to get started.  MakingMoneyOnlineUsingYouTube .  The guy in this is considered the you tube king.  He shows you how to use youtube to make money.  Think about it.  How much do you or someone you know use youtube?   This has proven to be a very successful internet ploy.  Yes you can get paid to play on youtube.  It is amazing how far this worm hole we call the internet go's.  The money is out there, and you will have to spend some money to learn how to really get started successfully.  The things I list are just things that have worked for me personally.  Here are a few more trustful places that will get you off on the right foot.  TheNewbieBluePrint-MakingMoneyOnlineWithNoMoney .  This is a great tool to have in your back pocket if you get stuck.  Remember: "MultipleStreamsOfIncome" .  This is the real way to make money on the internet.  Be open to learning something new.  If you get into a few different things and make money at all of them.  If one go's away you still have income coming in.  This is not easy and is very time consuming, but if you get started on the right foot you will see success much sooner than later.  I will be writing a blog on how to make money with a free web site very soon.  Like I said there are many way's to make money online.  Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope that this has helped someone.  MakingMoneyWithFaceBook,   MakingMoneyWithCellPhones .  These are just a couple of more ideas.