Monday, October 31, 2011

Lifestyles Today Compared to YesterYear

     How much has our lifestyles changed over the past decade?  How much has it changed over the past 50 years?  Quite a bit right.  In some areas of life that is a fact, but in some way's have we evolved at all or are we just reverting to survival instincts?  Now that times have become so hard on everyone, we are seeing families moving back in together just to pay the bills and have a roof over our heads.  I know because I am speaking from first hand experience.  My whole immediate family has had to move back in together.  Not because we are not smart well trained individuals, but because bills are only going up and jobs are only going down.  I was a very well trained and certified HVAC repairman.  Ten years ago I was making plenty of money, and so was the rest of my family.  My father has been in industry management for his whole life.  Over 40 years in upper management.  Can't find a job.  This is happening all over America.  What does a person do who has dedicated their life to one industry and the industry doesn't want them anymore because of economic difficulties?  When you where making a certain amount of money and now you have to work for 1/2 of that or even a 1/4.  With the way bills are today, how do you keep your head above water?  The answer is the same as it has always been.  Families come together and make it happen.
     It is not uncommon to see a family of 6 or 7 living together now.  That is just how difficult it has become.  What has put us in this position?  That answer is simple.  There are thousands of highly trained people that are voicing out that they are able and willing to work.  There are just no jobs to be found.  So you have to take a job you know nothing about and just hope and wait for something better.  Just ten years ago if you wanted to better yourself you just needed to apply for a job and you would more than likely get an opportunity to improve.  That is just not the case in today's society.  I my self have had to resort to serving and bartending.  It is not the most glamorous job out there, but I have come to realize that I love making people happy.  In the A/C industry I was mostly by myself and didn't interact with the mass public.  Now I have been thrust into the spotlight so to speak.  It is quite a rush I must say, but there are very few to almost no laws that govern the serving industry.  So Servers and Bartenders are worked 12 to 15 hours a day in most cases with no breaks.  This work is done on your feet moving quickly and carrying 25 to 40 pounds every 4 minutes on average.  I know, I do it.  I work for a large corporate restaurant.  You wouldn't believe how hard servers have to work.  Then you have to deal with getting stiffed.  I guess the mass population doesn't realize that servers only make $2.00 and hour.  That is right.  When a server gets a check, 90% of the time it states ( This is not a Check) across it.  The craziest thing is, 75% of the people I work with have masters degrees from very well known universities.  These are the people who are coming into the serving industry with huge amounts of debt and they have little to no serving experience at all.  They often times have  a complete misconception of what the serving industry is all about.  People who have masters degrees in amazing fields can't pass the training of a restaurant a lot of times.  Then many times people just can't handle the pressure.  Either way you get the idea, or are living the same scenario that I have just laid out.
     What I am getting to here is that there are 1000's upon 1000's of people out of work who are more than willing at this point to go back to work in their professional fields.  Jobs are going out of country.  Industries are moving away for cheaper labor and little to no taxes.  Why are they doing this I wonder quietly to my self?  Because the government has made it possible.  If you take a little trip through political history you will find that the politicians that are running this country are heavily invested into all of these companies.  Remember that Goldman Sax issue with them getting bailed out.  Why did they get bailed out?  Because the people running our government where invested and made fortunes to turn their heads while these big businesses ran rampant through the little guy's pockets.  They financed things that people could never afford. Property values where through the roof.  Things where great for the people on top while the people like us on the bottom have slowly watched America descend to the point that we are at now in this day in time. So it is very easy to see who is to blame here.  Our own Leaders.  All we can do is ban together as we are seeing done with the Occupy Wall Street Movement.  It is time to take America back and create some wealth of our own.
     Did you know that a Senator makes $174,000 a year.  Not to mention their little side investments.  That is where the money is.  It is a great time to be in the business of being a politician.  You would have the power to pass the laws that pertain specifically to the businesses that you are invested in.  Why not.  That gives them the power to control the outcome for each industry.  Lets not talk about the charitable donations that come from the companies that these politicians are invested in.  So we see how this is all tied in together.  It is not hard to connect the dots.
     We can get things back to where they where or better if we come together and change the line-up.  There are only 500 people who are elected to represent millions.  Many of these people have been in their positions for over 40 years.  How is it that you can only be president for a certain term and Congressmen and Senators can spend their whole life in the ultimate position of power.  It is time for change if we want to take back our country and what it was founded on.  I do know that doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.  So if you are doing nothing to change your situation you are missing the boat and it is time to be a part of a change.  Thank you for reading and I welcome any and all comments.
   We also have our own designs of clothing and apparel.  Here are just a couple of things we have for sale.  All apparel can be found at The Social Buy Spot.

This is our Peace Love & Occupy Wall Street Brand!!!!
 This is our Knuckle Kidz World Brand The Social Buy Spot
 Peace Love & Occupy Wall Street Hoody'sThe Social Buy Spot
 Our new Knuckle Kidz World HatsThe Social Buy Spot
 Tote Bagz 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dinar Investment

     Wow are we getting closer to Iraq and it's currency becoming internationally recognized.  So much great news is coming out of Iraq, even as we speak.  Everyday is headline after headline about monetary policy, and the Iraqi government finishing all the things that we have been watching for years now.  They are close to being done with the HCL laws, and just today the security ministries have changed hands from Maliki to the heads of the security block.  For over a year now Maliki has managed the security port-folio by proxy.  That means he assumed all responsibility for any security issues in Iraq.  Now selecting these ministers has been assigned to the  heads of the security blocks.  Almost immediately after reading that article another came out that stated that the House of Representatives has a list of qualified candidates to fill these positions.  I would say that we will see a resolve to the securities in a week or two.  Keep in mind that almost everything being finalized has to do with the US troops pulling out.
     Yesterday we saw an article released from the CBI more directly from Shabibi that stated that when most of the troops have pulled out and Iraq is an independent nation he will allow the value of the Dinar to rise.  What does that mean? That means that after the troops are gone we will get our RV.  Shabibi also released that Iraq has the highest reserves in currencies than it has ever had in it's history.  That is a huge gain to our investment.  The reserves are what Iraq is going to pay for the RV in.  The higher the better.  I would expect to see the lower denominated currency to start being released.  That and the RV also go hand in hand.  I would not worry about Kuwait to much as they are out of reasons (excuses) to keep Iraq under Chapter 7 sanctions. All Kuwait is  doing is trying to keep Iraq from surpassing them as the leading nation in the middle east.  Well they are out of excuses and the UN is tired of hearing it.  On top of all of that, Iraq paid another 1 billion dollars to Kuwait today.  It was released through the UN to pay Kuwait.  There are to many pro's to be negative at this point.  Maliki is playing ball just as we thought he would once all of the hoopla was over.  Now he seems to be our number one person in getting the government together.  Coincidence I think not.  This is all planned and master scripted.  Who is pulling the strings though?  That would be the leaders of the world banks and the UN.  They hold all of the cards and are releasing them as quickly as possible now.
     If anyone thinks this will not be the largest transfer of wealth in history then I would suggest just reading a little news.  You will quickly find that Iraq will be the strongest nation in the middle east and nothing at this point will stop that.  They are making leaps and bounds now.  Which they should as the world is waiting on Iraq to open up for business.  Once we see the RV we will see tons of investment in Iraq.  We are seeing a lot right now, but this is nothing compared to what is to come.  The ISX will do amazing things almost over night and there will be a lot to be gained in Iraq.  So just hold on and continue being patient.  That is what 90% of all investments are, PATIENCE.   We are nearing this finish line very quickly, so be prepared and plan for what need and what you want.  Yes they are 2 different things entirely.  Thank you so much for reading and I hope this has made someones day a little better. Keep in mind that our Occupy Wall Street apparel is for sale and so is our Knuckle Kidz apparel.  You can check it out at The Social Buy Spot.  Thank you once again for taking your time to spend with us today.  
Baseball JerseyCap

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Designer Clothes and Gifts.

The Professional Server: The Social Buy Spot:  I am rolling out a new line of gifts and high quality designer clothing.  We have brainstormed and came up with the next underground movement in fashion.  We have called this line Knuckle Kidz.  We believe we are a world of Knuckle Kidz waiting to be released.  The Knuckle Kidz brand is new and cutting edge in design.  Some of the specialty gifts that we have out are our line of clocks.
     These are just a couple of designs that we have.  There are many more
designs at The Social Buy Spot.  We are working hard to get affordable
quality designer products out to everyone.  You can buy any of these products The Social Buy Spot.  We also are offering designer bags and
long sleeve hooded shirts.  They are all reasonably priced and are all made with the best quality in mind.  Everything we produce is built to last and
designer inlaid with Knuckle Kidz and our newest logo.
     The Occupy Wall Street Movement.

     Grab your peace of history.  These Occupy Wall Street labels want be around forever as this is a movement that can be brought to an end with a few strong agreements.  Why not have your peace of it?
We have also made Occupy Wall Street Clocks and water bottles.  All of this can be found at the above links.  Thees are a few things that we have come up with, but keep in mind there are a limited number of
CapMessenger BagSigg Water Bottle 1.0LModern Wall ClockKeepsake BoxBaseball Jersey
     These are going to be history one day in the near future as nothing lasts forever.  However this movement has gotten a lot of attention from around the globe.  It will be something not soon forgotten.  Feel free to check out all of our merchandise at The Social Buy Spot.  Thank everyone for their support along this journey in design and trends that I have undertaken.  Enjoy!!!!!

The Social Buy Spot

    This is a new adventure I am starting out on.  I have always had a lot of ideas about clothing and gift design.  This is just a way for me to explore that avenue.  I have designed a line of clothing and small gifts.  Please check it all out and give me some feedback.  All clothing is 100% cotton and washing machine friendly.  We also are offering designer mugs and stickers. You can see it all at The Social Buy Spot .  We have designed some really cool slogans that are catching on quickly.  We may even get lucky enough to have a trend,  That would be so cool.  Thanks for checking it out.      Mug
Hooded Sweatshirt
     Nuckle Kidz is a brand that I have worked hard on and am just getting launched to the public.  We have all kinds of gifts and designs.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Iraqi Dinar Investment 10/22/2011

      We have seen a lot of things get finalized in the past few weeks.  We have seen the continual withdrawal of troops from Iraq.  This is a major move when it comes to Iraq being a sovereign nation and internationally recognized.  Iraq has been doing a lot of work since they have been on vacation.  No surprise there.  They always do seem to get the most done when they are on vacation.  So I look at this vacation just like the last one.  Things are going to get done and when they do come back in to session be it an emergency meeting or what ever they do.  All there will be to do is to vote and pass the laws that need to be passed.
     We saw today the 21st of October, President Obama come on television and hold a press conference stating that troops have been being withdrawn from Iraq, and all troops will be home before Dec. 25th.  He also stated that he spoke directly with Maliki today and they agreed to finalize the Strategic Framework Agreement.  Also Obama stated that Iraq is a fully sovereign nation that takes responsibility for it's own security.  That means that they are in control of themselves.  That is what we have been waiting on to be recognized.  With our troops fully pulling out and Iraq in charge of their own future, they must be released from Chapter 7 sanctions.  These sanctions are the only thing that have kept them from being internationally recognized.  All of this ties directly into the RV.  
      Now there are a lot of articles that have come out in the past couple of weeks that pertain to the removal/deletion of the (000"s).  Does it mean LOP or are they going to do a straight RV and remove the large notes over time?   Isn't that the question of questions.  We can hash this out till the cows come home.  What I will say is Iraq is not going to lop the currency.  They do not need to nor will they as that will turn away all major investors that are pumping money into Iraq.  A lop would mean that Iraq is not in control of their monetary controls.  Also the major investors in Iraq are looking to see pay off for investments made long ago.
      When it comes to a time frame, I believe that Obama gave us a date to look for in his speech.  By the first of the year.  That is only 2 more months away so we will wait and see.  If Iraq is to be completely sovereign then they will have to have a currency that will reflect the strength of the country and 1170 isn't going to make the cut.  I personally look for this to pop by Thanksgiving as do others who are much smarter than I am.  However if it does not then I will be looking to the 1st of the year.  Either way, you can bet that you made a great investment and it will pay off.  
      Also there have been to many delegations that have been visiting Iraq.  We are not talking about the regular government delegations, these delegations are from the UN and major Central Banks.  China has a group over in Iraq right now working with the government and the CBI to get Iraq where they need to be in order to work to work internationally.  There are also delegations from USA, France, Europe, and countries that we thought would never have anything to do with Iraq.  Needless to say Iraq is well on it's way to achieving all of it's goals and aspirations that make it a functioning part of this world.  The UN is releasing articles almost on a daily basis that pertain directly to Iraq fulfilling it's obligations to the international community.  Also I saw an article that stated Iraq has held a meeting with many of the countries that they owe and have reduced the amount owed to each country to a number that both parties agreed to.  With that being done we may be able to see Iraq pay off it's debts and that may also be what is keeping Iraq in these sanctions.  I will be willing to bet that debt's play a large roll in these sanctions still being in place.  Remember it all ties in together.  The more this is unraveling the more I think this has been a well orchestrated and thought out plan that is coming together just as it was written.  The timing of everything is just to cohesive for their not to have been master orchestrators  behind the scenes pulling the strings.  Who could these people be to have this much power?  That is really easy to answer.  All one has to do is follow the money.  Then follow the power names in the world.  You always come to the same people.  These are the people who started the FED, BIS, UN, World Reserves, Central Banks, and NATO.  It always comes back to the same names. Rothchild's, Bernanke's, these types of people.  It's not that far fetched.  He who controls the money controls the world.  At least that is the way I have heard it always said and when their is major news breaking with the financial world these names are always at the forefront.  Just a little food for thought.  Have a great day and smile at someone,  maybe even say Hi, How are you?  Thank you for reading.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Iraqi Dinar Investment 10/9/2011

     There have been a few articles that have come out today from the CBI.  One of which is stating that all mechanisms are in place to execute the removal of the zero's.  Though there is speculation on this and what it actually means.  That is pertaining to a LOP or just to pull in the existing notes with 3 zero's.  I and many others who have been doing this for a long time and have studied currencies and how it works, believe that the CBI will raise the notes that are in existence.  The IMF is also there with their hot shot team to get this thing done. 
     The government has also stated that they will read the draft laws for the 2nd time.  That could possibly give Shabibi the go ahead to implement the new monetary policy, thus giving us the RV.  It is amazing how everything is playing out.  This investment is coming to an end.  Although there will be new ones that are already on the horizon.  One of which is the VND. That is Vietnam's currency.  They are on the way to having a very strong nation and currency.  It may very well be a 10 year investment, but for the price why not?  I will be doing a blog in the coming future to explain more.  Thank you for reading.

Making Money Investing in Currency

     Making money in currency is and can be quite lucrative.  I have found that it is really a timing and patience type of investment.  It doesn't really matter which currencies you buy if you invest at certain times of the year.  Let's take the EUR/USD for ex.  The Eur and USD are suffering from a very bad economical disaster really.  So how can you make money from these currencies?  I am going to answer that for you by explaining how it all works.  What you would want to do is take $1000 and open a Forex Acct. That is the hardest part of it all.  Keep in mind you can close the account at any time and can get your money back.  Now that you have your Forex Acct. set up, you will want to look the currency trends in a moving average chart.  Select the timeline that is set up for at least 3 years.  This way you can see what the markets did in the same month's in the previous years.  This will give you something to set your timeline by.  For each person their timeline will be different.  You will select the currency pairing that you wish to trade against.  I prefer the USD/EUR.  I also like to invest during the times when I see that the market has made major up trends in the the previous years.  Though that is a little harder to do right now the average will still run in the same margins.  I will hold for the timeline I have set for myself, and nearing the end of the timeline I will really start paying attention to the way the currency is reacting to the economic situation. 
     Knowing When to Sale  
     Knowing when to sale is just as crucial as knowing when to buy.  It is really a feeling.  You know that economies do their best during their holidays.  So find what holidays that the country you are investing in is.  Get their dates, and look at moving average timelines.  Those are guides that never lie.  Think about it, around November everyone starts buying for Christmas right?  So why not invest in the USD by buying it in EUR.  This way you will make money on the uptrend of those few months.  Pretty easy huh.  So pay attention to when the currencies tend to fall off at the end of holiday's and major developments.  Like I said,"It takes time for any investments to pay off".  This is just one way to make a substantial amount of money over a few months.  Also pay attention to major tourists times in each country.  I hope this has helped someone who may have been wondering how this is done.  Thank you for reading.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Conspiracy Watch: The Great American Marijuana Conspiracy: Will the ...

Conspiracy Watch: The Great American Marijuana Conspiracy: Will the ...: Yearly over 1.5 million people are arrested for pot in the US! The trouble began long ago, in the 1900's, when over a million Mexican labo...

Iraqi Dinar Investment10/8/2011

     Wow what a turn of events that has taken place over the past couple of day's.  Mr. Alaiwi has resigned.  It is official.  That means that there is no one to hinder Maliki now.  With Alaiwi out of the way Maliki will get everything he wants.  As of now it looks as if that is working out to our benefit.  Maliki is promising everything under the sun now.  He has called parliament back into session on their holly day to vote on the draft law of federal court.  Also to vote on the supreme judicial council.  Looks like Maliki is working  to get everything done and give everyone what they want.  Maliki has held a meeting with the Kurdistan representatives.  In that meeting Maliki vowed to implement all the agreement pertaining to Erbil.  That is a huge one.  We are watching things wind down nicely now. 
     The Kurdish Diplomats also released a press statement that said they have just finished negotiations and talks with all of the political blocks.  They referred to these talks as very positive and successful.  The Negotiations team will write up a report and a delegation will be sent to finalize and implement all of the agreements.  That also includes all agreements Erbil.
     The IMF has released a press statement that states the IMF is showing it's conviction for the financial policy of Iraq.  Basically what they are saying is that they are ready to increase the reserves and that they have the money to support an increase in the the value of the Iraqi Dinar.  It also shows that the CBI is ready to make a move in the Monetary Policy to support the private sector and lower inflation.  These are huge things being accomplished at a very fast speed.  We are in a great place to see things happening by Thanksgiving. 
     With Maliki having full run of the government now, the CBI will seize the opportunity to strike while things are moving forward positively in the government.  The government could be finalized as soon as this week.  That would give Iraq the power it needs to remove the final sanctions of Chapter 7.  That is as long as they keep their mouth's closed about Kuwait.  Don't forget, the reason that they are still in chapter 7 is because of Kuwait.  Iraq must let it go with the Kuwaiti's.  Peace and prosperity is their new horizon. They must accept that. 
     Najafi is going to London Sunday on an official visit, and will be accompanied by a foreign delegation.  Though the direct reason for the visit is still unknown at this time.  The meeting will have some type of direct impact on the investment into Iraq.  As soon as the the meetings are concluded Najafi and his delegation will go to Berne to participate in a World Conference of Parliaments.  All of the news has been very exciting and things are moving along very quickly.  Let's just hope that Iraq can stay the course and make things happen.  I hope this has helped in making things a little clearer up to this date.  I would also like to thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dinar Investment 10/5/2011

     A lot of news has come out since my last post.  These said meetings that I have been talking about have taken place and there have been many agreements set in place.  There have been several articles that have been released that tell us that the RV is just around the corner.  So we will get right into it then.
     1: The Currency Oversight Reform Act.   
     This whole law is directed at countries that undervalue their currency.  The continued undervaluing of a currency makes it unfair to trade internationally, thus it makes inflation run out of control.  We will take China for example.  China has undervalued it's currency for many, many years.  As a result the US has not had a way to keep up in the fair markets.  So in turn China is making a lot of money off of every American sale that takes place in China.  Where as in America when something is bought that came from China, then China is still making more money than they should.  That money has to be turned into their currency and then sent to China.  America is loosing money when they convert the currencies either way it go's.  So America is stopping that by enacting this law which carries penalties and consequences for countries that under value their currency. 
     This is where Iraq fits into the equation.  Iraq has a currency that is worth 1140 to 1 US dollar.  If Iraq continues to keep their currency at that rate that it is, then they will in turn be doing the same thing that China is doing.  It will only be worse because Iraq will be dealing in oil.  Everyone in the world needs oil.  So yes this law will apply directly to Iraq, and any other country that doesn't keep their currency updated.
     2: The Successful meeting of the Political Blocks.
     The meeting between Talabani and the leaders of all of the blocks went very well.  The blocks have agreed to security issues and are implementing all of the agreements Erbil.  This is very big as long as everything holds up.  Don't forget that the UN has given Iraq until Dec. 30 2011 to get everything done.  The CBI says it does not have that long.  By then the inflation will be to high.  Also street vendors are raising their prices in expectation of a currency shift.  The new tax laws also have a lot to do rising prices. These are all great things that support economic growth and stability.  They also agreed to have the US stay and train the Iraqi military.  That means the final sanctions can be lifted because Iraq will be allowed to be a sovereign nation and still have the training and protection from Iran that it will need. 
     Now keep in mind.  I am not saying it will RV tomorrow.  I just simply post the news and what it means.  They are giving us a timeline on their own.  We are very close and things will start becoming much easier to understand as we get even closer.  There are still more meetings that have to be had, but they will get this finished.  Iraq is learning how to do this for the first time, and there is a lot of pressure coming from everywhere.  I want to thank you for reading and I hope this has helped.

Iraqi Dinar Investment 10/4/2011

     Today we have seen lots of information coming out.  There have been meetings going on, and these are very high top level meetings.  As I said in my last blog, the UN has given Iraq specific instructions to get everything done and now.  The UN will not allow for anything less.  There is a currency over haul that has to happen and now.  The Dinar is just the beginning of all of it.  With all of these meetings going on about the security situation and oil and gas laws that must be passed.  We see that Iraq is under an immense amount of pressure.  When I say Iraq I am mainly referring to the government.  The time for Iraq to strike has come and gone, so we are in extreme overtime.
     At this moment there is a delegation headed to Iraq from Kurdistan, a region of Iraq, and they are on the way to deal directly with the security ministries and oil and gas laws.  This meeting will resolve all outstanding issues or there will be a vote of no confidence.  There will be a ton of new information coming out this week.  A lot of it will be directly misleading.  The government if all go's accordingly will get all the major issues finished this week and we could see some major financial sector overhauling start.  
     The CBI is releasing articles again today stating it is time to implement the deletion of the 3 zero's.  There is a lot of speculation going on over the deletion of the zero's.  Some say this means to LOP the currency.  could they do that?  Absolutely.  Will they do that?  Highly doubtful.  The Iraqi government does not want a lop.  The affiliates that make up the government also hold a lot of ( IQD)  and they would stand to loose as much as investors.  With a little luck the government will make sure that the CBI will do the right thing as they are not in any type of hyper-inflation.  There is no need for a lop.  That is plain and simple.  Now a re-denomination is a completely different animal.  An RD could mean lower denominations will be released and the old currency phased out.  That would be great.  Iraq would get lower denom's and we would see an increase in the value.  So as you can see there are several ways this could play out.  Keep your emotions under control.  Whatever is going to happen will happen soon, one way or another.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dinar Recap 10/1/2011

     The Iraqi Dinar is strongly favored move up in a very short time.  Today we have seen the UN release a statement directing Iraq to get it's political hoopla finished.  The UN told Iraq in this release to finish the security ministries and all outstanding issues now.  We see Talibani is in Iraq now with his delegation and is holding meetings on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to finish the political deadlock.  They have released that the securities will be addressed, finished and seated.  The oil and gas law will also be completed and all outstanding issues that pertain to the Erbil agreement will be finished and implemented.  So as you can see all of these things are what is holding up everything.  All of these issues have been timely issues, because of the fighting for power that has been going on in the government.  Miliki has been pushed into that preverbial corner and has no more excuses.  Talibani has stated that there has been a delegation appointed to solve all of the issues by votes instead of allowing the government to continually fledge on agreements.  So there have been alternate provisions that have been made in case these meetings fail.  I do not believe that the meetings will fail though.  It seems that the government realizes that their time has run out and are starting to move on things very quickly as to not let it go to any further.
     We also have articles that state Iraq recognizes 236 Kuwaiti corpses.  Now doing some digging there are articles from April that Kuwait sent to Iraq about Chapter 7 sanctions.  These articles stated that if Iraq would acknowledge the corpses that came from the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, then Kuwait would give the go ahead to release the final sanctions on Iraq.  So this is incredible news.  The final sanctions lifted would liberate Iraq and all things would fall into place perfectly in order for Iraq to gain it's power and riches back.  This could very well be the month that Iraq's currency will be given it's true value.  With all of these meetings going on and the UN stepping in and ordering Iraq to finish everything, I would say that things are shaping up very nicely.  Thank you for reading and I hope this has brought about some clarity or even a little hope that Iraq will be strong again and very soon.