Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dinar Investment

     Wow are we getting closer to Iraq and it's currency becoming internationally recognized.  So much great news is coming out of Iraq, even as we speak.  Everyday is headline after headline about monetary policy, and the Iraqi government finishing all the things that we have been watching for years now.  They are close to being done with the HCL laws, and just today the security ministries have changed hands from Maliki to the heads of the security block.  For over a year now Maliki has managed the security port-folio by proxy.  That means he assumed all responsibility for any security issues in Iraq.  Now selecting these ministers has been assigned to the  heads of the security blocks.  Almost immediately after reading that article another came out that stated that the House of Representatives has a list of qualified candidates to fill these positions.  I would say that we will see a resolve to the securities in a week or two.  Keep in mind that almost everything being finalized has to do with the US troops pulling out.
     Yesterday we saw an article released from the CBI more directly from Shabibi that stated that when most of the troops have pulled out and Iraq is an independent nation he will allow the value of the Dinar to rise.  What does that mean? That means that after the troops are gone we will get our RV.  Shabibi also released that Iraq has the highest reserves in currencies than it has ever had in it's history.  That is a huge gain to our investment.  The reserves are what Iraq is going to pay for the RV in.  The higher the better.  I would expect to see the lower denominated currency to start being released.  That and the RV also go hand in hand.  I would not worry about Kuwait to much as they are out of reasons (excuses) to keep Iraq under Chapter 7 sanctions. All Kuwait is  doing is trying to keep Iraq from surpassing them as the leading nation in the middle east.  Well they are out of excuses and the UN is tired of hearing it.  On top of all of that, Iraq paid another 1 billion dollars to Kuwait today.  It was released through the UN to pay Kuwait.  There are to many pro's to be negative at this point.  Maliki is playing ball just as we thought he would once all of the hoopla was over.  Now he seems to be our number one person in getting the government together.  Coincidence I think not.  This is all planned and master scripted.  Who is pulling the strings though?  That would be the leaders of the world banks and the UN.  They hold all of the cards and are releasing them as quickly as possible now.
     If anyone thinks this will not be the largest transfer of wealth in history then I would suggest just reading a little news.  You will quickly find that Iraq will be the strongest nation in the middle east and nothing at this point will stop that.  They are making leaps and bounds now.  Which they should as the world is waiting on Iraq to open up for business.  Once we see the RV we will see tons of investment in Iraq.  We are seeing a lot right now, but this is nothing compared to what is to come.  The ISX will do amazing things almost over night and there will be a lot to be gained in Iraq.  So just hold on and continue being patient.  That is what 90% of all investments are, PATIENCE.   We are nearing this finish line very quickly, so be prepared and plan for what need and what you want.  Yes they are 2 different things entirely.  Thank you so much for reading and I hope this has made someones day a little better. Keep in mind that our Occupy Wall Street apparel is for sale and so is our Knuckle Kidz apparel.  You can check it out at The Social Buy Spot.  Thank you once again for taking your time to spend with us today.  
Baseball JerseyCap

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