Friday, October 21, 2011

Iraqi Dinar Investment 10/22/2011

      We have seen a lot of things get finalized in the past few weeks.  We have seen the continual withdrawal of troops from Iraq.  This is a major move when it comes to Iraq being a sovereign nation and internationally recognized.  Iraq has been doing a lot of work since they have been on vacation.  No surprise there.  They always do seem to get the most done when they are on vacation.  So I look at this vacation just like the last one.  Things are going to get done and when they do come back in to session be it an emergency meeting or what ever they do.  All there will be to do is to vote and pass the laws that need to be passed.
     We saw today the 21st of October, President Obama come on television and hold a press conference stating that troops have been being withdrawn from Iraq, and all troops will be home before Dec. 25th.  He also stated that he spoke directly with Maliki today and they agreed to finalize the Strategic Framework Agreement.  Also Obama stated that Iraq is a fully sovereign nation that takes responsibility for it's own security.  That means that they are in control of themselves.  That is what we have been waiting on to be recognized.  With our troops fully pulling out and Iraq in charge of their own future, they must be released from Chapter 7 sanctions.  These sanctions are the only thing that have kept them from being internationally recognized.  All of this ties directly into the RV.  
      Now there are a lot of articles that have come out in the past couple of weeks that pertain to the removal/deletion of the (000"s).  Does it mean LOP or are they going to do a straight RV and remove the large notes over time?   Isn't that the question of questions.  We can hash this out till the cows come home.  What I will say is Iraq is not going to lop the currency.  They do not need to nor will they as that will turn away all major investors that are pumping money into Iraq.  A lop would mean that Iraq is not in control of their monetary controls.  Also the major investors in Iraq are looking to see pay off for investments made long ago.
      When it comes to a time frame, I believe that Obama gave us a date to look for in his speech.  By the first of the year.  That is only 2 more months away so we will wait and see.  If Iraq is to be completely sovereign then they will have to have a currency that will reflect the strength of the country and 1170 isn't going to make the cut.  I personally look for this to pop by Thanksgiving as do others who are much smarter than I am.  However if it does not then I will be looking to the 1st of the year.  Either way, you can bet that you made a great investment and it will pay off.  
      Also there have been to many delegations that have been visiting Iraq.  We are not talking about the regular government delegations, these delegations are from the UN and major Central Banks.  China has a group over in Iraq right now working with the government and the CBI to get Iraq where they need to be in order to work to work internationally.  There are also delegations from USA, France, Europe, and countries that we thought would never have anything to do with Iraq.  Needless to say Iraq is well on it's way to achieving all of it's goals and aspirations that make it a functioning part of this world.  The UN is releasing articles almost on a daily basis that pertain directly to Iraq fulfilling it's obligations to the international community.  Also I saw an article that stated Iraq has held a meeting with many of the countries that they owe and have reduced the amount owed to each country to a number that both parties agreed to.  With that being done we may be able to see Iraq pay off it's debts and that may also be what is keeping Iraq in these sanctions.  I will be willing to bet that debt's play a large roll in these sanctions still being in place.  Remember it all ties in together.  The more this is unraveling the more I think this has been a well orchestrated and thought out plan that is coming together just as it was written.  The timing of everything is just to cohesive for their not to have been master orchestrators  behind the scenes pulling the strings.  Who could these people be to have this much power?  That is really easy to answer.  All one has to do is follow the money.  Then follow the power names in the world.  You always come to the same people.  These are the people who started the FED, BIS, UN, World Reserves, Central Banks, and NATO.  It always comes back to the same names. Rothchild's, Bernanke's, these types of people.  It's not that far fetched.  He who controls the money controls the world.  At least that is the way I have heard it always said and when their is major news breaking with the financial world these names are always at the forefront.  Just a little food for thought.  Have a great day and smile at someone,  maybe even say Hi, How are you?  Thank you for reading.

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