Sunday, October 9, 2011

Making Money Investing in Currency

     Making money in currency is and can be quite lucrative.  I have found that it is really a timing and patience type of investment.  It doesn't really matter which currencies you buy if you invest at certain times of the year.  Let's take the EUR/USD for ex.  The Eur and USD are suffering from a very bad economical disaster really.  So how can you make money from these currencies?  I am going to answer that for you by explaining how it all works.  What you would want to do is take $1000 and open a Forex Acct. That is the hardest part of it all.  Keep in mind you can close the account at any time and can get your money back.  Now that you have your Forex Acct. set up, you will want to look the currency trends in a moving average chart.  Select the timeline that is set up for at least 3 years.  This way you can see what the markets did in the same month's in the previous years.  This will give you something to set your timeline by.  For each person their timeline will be different.  You will select the currency pairing that you wish to trade against.  I prefer the USD/EUR.  I also like to invest during the times when I see that the market has made major up trends in the the previous years.  Though that is a little harder to do right now the average will still run in the same margins.  I will hold for the timeline I have set for myself, and nearing the end of the timeline I will really start paying attention to the way the currency is reacting to the economic situation. 
     Knowing When to Sale  
     Knowing when to sale is just as crucial as knowing when to buy.  It is really a feeling.  You know that economies do their best during their holidays.  So find what holidays that the country you are investing in is.  Get their dates, and look at moving average timelines.  Those are guides that never lie.  Think about it, around November everyone starts buying for Christmas right?  So why not invest in the USD by buying it in EUR.  This way you will make money on the uptrend of those few months.  Pretty easy huh.  So pay attention to when the currencies tend to fall off at the end of holiday's and major developments.  Like I said,"It takes time for any investments to pay off".  This is just one way to make a substantial amount of money over a few months.  Also pay attention to major tourists times in each country.  I hope this has helped someone who may have been wondering how this is done.  Thank you for reading.

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