Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dinar Investment 10/5/2011

     A lot of news has come out since my last post.  These said meetings that I have been talking about have taken place and there have been many agreements set in place.  There have been several articles that have been released that tell us that the RV is just around the corner.  So we will get right into it then.
     1: The Currency Oversight Reform Act.   
     This whole law is directed at countries that undervalue their currency.  The continued undervaluing of a currency makes it unfair to trade internationally, thus it makes inflation run out of control.  We will take China for example.  China has undervalued it's currency for many, many years.  As a result the US has not had a way to keep up in the fair markets.  So in turn China is making a lot of money off of every American sale that takes place in China.  Where as in America when something is bought that came from China, then China is still making more money than they should.  That money has to be turned into their currency and then sent to China.  America is loosing money when they convert the currencies either way it go's.  So America is stopping that by enacting this law which carries penalties and consequences for countries that under value their currency. 
     This is where Iraq fits into the equation.  Iraq has a currency that is worth 1140 to 1 US dollar.  If Iraq continues to keep their currency at that rate that it is, then they will in turn be doing the same thing that China is doing.  It will only be worse because Iraq will be dealing in oil.  Everyone in the world needs oil.  So yes this law will apply directly to Iraq, and any other country that doesn't keep their currency updated.
     2: The Successful meeting of the Political Blocks.
     The meeting between Talabani and the leaders of all of the blocks went very well.  The blocks have agreed to security issues and are implementing all of the agreements Erbil.  This is very big as long as everything holds up.  Don't forget that the UN has given Iraq until Dec. 30 2011 to get everything done.  The CBI says it does not have that long.  By then the inflation will be to high.  Also street vendors are raising their prices in expectation of a currency shift.  The new tax laws also have a lot to do rising prices. These are all great things that support economic growth and stability.  They also agreed to have the US stay and train the Iraqi military.  That means the final sanctions can be lifted because Iraq will be allowed to be a sovereign nation and still have the training and protection from Iran that it will need. 
     Now keep in mind.  I am not saying it will RV tomorrow.  I just simply post the news and what it means.  They are giving us a timeline on their own.  We are very close and things will start becoming much easier to understand as we get even closer.  There are still more meetings that have to be had, but they will get this finished.  Iraq is learning how to do this for the first time, and there is a lot of pressure coming from everywhere.  I want to thank you for reading and I hope this has helped.